Approached by Metricon homes recently to capture the story of the incredible Adam and Sophie, the power couple behind the Instagram account @thepettabuild. Was such a fun experience working with the Metricon Sydney team to put this piece together. To say the house is stunning is an understatement.
Director: Michael Drowley
DP & First AC: Sam Fregonese
Edit and Colour: Michael Drowley
Composer: Just Stay, performed by Strength To Last, licensed via Soundcloud
Writer: Adrian Dominic Walther
Our Services
* Collaborate and agree on overall concept with Metricon Marketing team
* Produce complete shot list
* Plan Travel to Sydney with Pendula crew
* Fly to Sydney
* Bump in lighting and camera equipment on location
* Plan and direct entire shoot day
* Carry out all cinematography & filming
* Conduct entire interview
Post Production
* Select royalty free musical accompaniment track
* Carry out all editing of captured footage into completed story
* Mix & mastering of all dialogue and audio
* Perform final colour grade
* Design and placement titles
* Deliver final film